The Wheel of Satisfaction is a tool that can help you assess your level of satisfaction with different aspects of your work life. It is divided into different categories such as career development, work-life balance, compensation and benefits, and leadership. By evaluating each category and identifying areas for improvement, you can take steps to increase your overall job satisfaction. Reflecting on your work satisfaction can help you to have a better understanding of personal values and priorities.
Wheel of Satisfaction with Work Life
Elisabeth Krüger
Als Arbeitspsychologin und Mediatorin unterstütze ich Personen dabei, Ihre Ziele mit Freude zu erreichen sowie Ihre Stärken und Potentiale zu nutzen! Mein Spezialgebiet ist das positive Konfliktmanagement, eine Kombination aus positiver Psychologie und Konfliktmanagement.
Wheel of Satisfaction with Work Life
The Wheel of Satisfaction is a tool that can help you assess your level of satisfaction with different aspects of your work life. It is